Whole Life Counseling

Therapy for Children, Adolescents & Adults


(818) 389-0928

*24-Hour Answering Service




Feeling sad can be a natural reaction to having experienced trauma, personal challenges, grief, and dealing with life transitions. Feeling sad is what makes us human. However, if you are experiencing prolonged sadness, it may be a sign that there’s a deeper issue in need of your attention. Depression can make you feel hopeless, lonely, discouraged, and limited. At times, depression can cause you to withdraw and socially isolate, cry frequently, feel numb, or even lost.

What is Depression?


Therapy can be a space to explore your inner world and environmental stress triggering your depression.


Depression occurs oftentimes due to unresolved family of origin issues, loss and grief, past memories of childhood trauma and wounding, or repetitive patterns of turmoil in relationships. Depression is often linked to a person feeling stuck, unable to grasp his or her own complex emotions that are scary to confront.


Depression can negatively impact your relationships with others and the way you connect with yourself. Depression can also generate feelings of hopelessness and helplessness as it creates obstacles to your happiness.

Signs of depression can include:


• Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

• Fatigue and decreased energy

• Changes in appetite

• A noticeable increase or decrease in sleeping patterns

• Feelings of sadness or unhappiness

• Loss of interest in hobbies or socializing

• Feeling hopeless, irritable, anxious, or guilty

• Low Self Esteem


How Counseling For Depression Can Help You


I can help you manage your symptoms of depression and work with you to gain a better understanding of the origins of your depression. In our work, we can focus on your personal re-discovery, self-empowerment, compassion, and self-acceptance. We accomplish this by focusing on your thoughts and feelings about yourself, the world around you and the future. As you develop your skills in defeating that negative inner voice which perpetuates your depressions, and develop your conscious awareness of your true Self and what is most meaningful to you, you will then be able to navigate the world through a revitalized perspective.






10315 Woodley Ave.

Granada Hills, CA 91344

(818) 389-0928