Whole Life Counseling

Therapy for Children, Adolescents & Adults


(818) 389-0928

*24-Hour Answering Service


Self Esteem


Do you feel like you're dealing with a disconnection to yourself, or loss of self, can oftentimes make you feel very lonely, depressive, shameful, and lost. It can feel very socially isolating, as well as, isolating to oneself.

• Have you experienced loss of yourself and are searching to know yourself again?

• Are you losing yourself due to a history of trauma?

• Do you live your life protected, avoiding close connections with others?

• Are you longing to be seen, but fear is getting in your way?

• Are you seeking personal growth to develop yourself?

• Have you experienced bullying or discrimination which has caused you to retreat from others?


The world may perceive us one way, while we see ourselves another way. This discrepancy can create dissonance in the way we relate and interact with others. Therapy can be a relational space to risk being seen, even for your youngest or most darkest, uncomfortable parts.


Reconnect With Yourself and Tap Into Your Inner Spirit


“…I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.” – Oriah Mountain Dreamer


I believe that you are equipped with everything you need and have the answers you are searching for within, but are in need of guidance and support to cultivate more self trust and empowerment. It is difficult to have complete trust in yourself when you have experienced mental, emotional or physical violations on any level, or, trauma, pain, or have been blamed, shamed, and made to feel guilty for being who you are. I encourage you to move beyond your shame and self blame...to extinguish that negative internal voice that keeps you trapped inside of yourself so that you will be able to move away from living and seeing yourself through a lower/false self esteem.


In an accepting environment, let me help you with your personal discovery, self- empowerment, and self-acceptance. Together we can work on your inner dialogues that reinforce your low self esteem, through collaboratively focusing on past wounds, your thoughts that impact your feelings, which reinforce your isolative behaviors; and together, setting goals to take back control over your life.  Validation and being understood by a therapist can be healing in this process and helps to model and reinforce your own compassion and support.  As you develop your skill set to overcome those things that have kept you down, and discover the strengths within you, you will then move on to feeling revitalized, in addition to living a more fulfilling life.






10315 Woodley Ave.

Granada Hills, CA 91344

(818) 389-0928